

Month to Month Plan

Same Quality & Services as the 12-Month Blue Pool Premiere Savings Plan.

Premiere Plan

With a 12 month commitment you’ll get:

  1. All Chemicals Included.

  2. Weekly Sanitation.

    (Treating pool water with disinfecting agents)

  3. Weekly Cleanings.

    (Brushing pool interior and steps, empty pool skimmer, clean surface water, skimming, vacuuming bottom of pool)

  4. Check and Inspect Equipment.

    (Clean pump basket, check for leakage, and backwashing assessment.)

  5. Weekly Water Chemical Balance Testing.

  6. D.E. and Cartridge filters check ups.

  7. Monthly Pool Health Summary.

All other maintenance will require an appointment

(To see the list of services and maintenance we offer view our services page)